
more or less nonsense

I honestly don't know what I think I'm doing by fitting in a blog post at this exact moment, because I have a timeline to keep to today. I guess I just wanted to post what will likely chalk up to nonsense before I cave and go get up the boy whose nap today was on the shorter end of things.

I've been swimming this week in appointments and visits and errands, and midweek I'm just ready for stretchy pants and hermitage. But. The missionaries are coming over for dinner, and if there's a chance that karma's a thing, I want to generate some good juju for my own missionary brother way down in the southern hemisphere. I actually have a slew of post ideas in Evernote waiting to be written up, but today shall be a nonsense day.

So, there you have it.

Perhaps after I get back tonight from more visits, I'll get Josh to watch Downton with me and chances are good that I'll fall asleep on the couch. Willing myself to Friday, I'll ride out this crazy extroverted week with hot chocolate and a queue of podcasts.

Like I said, nonsense.


Diana said...

You and I are so much alike, I love it Charlotte!

Jill said...

I thought I'd made to the best night of the week (because I don't have to work on Fridays) but then I found out I have a Stake Primary Meeting I have to go to at 7:00. I'm torn between being glad I didn't know about it and therefore haven't been dreading it all week and being bugged because I should be in lounge-wear under a blanket on the couch watching a show at that time...definitely NOT in a dress!!

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