
New Semester

The new semester started on Monday and I'm pretty excited about my classes this semester. I already have loads of homework, but since I'm feeling motivated right now I'm handling it all okay. So this semester I'm taking American Heritage and I'm actually really excited for this class! The people I've talked to either love it or hate it--there's few people in between. I had my lab this morning and my TA is really nice and I don't think she'll be SO hard on grading. Also, I don't think I'll loathe French this semester--score!! I'm taking French 202 from Michelle's husband and judging from the first day of class last Tuesday, I think I'll actually like it this semester. (French 201 definitely scarred me--I hated it). The only class I'm more nervous about and I'm not sure if I'll like it or not is my print publishing class. I think it will be a cool class and the material will definitely be useful, but the teacher is one of those computer whizzes who flies by everything and leaves the students in the dust. Plus, this is all done on Macs and don't get me wrong, I love a Mac, but I've never actually used one on a regular basis before. Also, the fact that all the assignments are Mac-based means that I'll have to do all my homework for that class in the Mac lab rather than at home on my own computer. Not so much of a difficulty as much of an inconvenience.

Surprisingly my social life picked up pretty fast (not something I was anticipating). Katelyn and I are committed to eating better this semester and Katelyn also scheduled time for us to go and work out in the RB. I'm glad I have a friend who's proactive like that because if left to my own devices I wouldn't do it. She also makes me go to the Cannon Center to have "real" meals. Granted Cannon Center food is by no means very tasty, but I guess it is better than grabbing whatever is available in the vending machines. Also, my second day back I got a call from last semseter's blind date (the brother of my old seminary teacher) and now I have a date for Friday--not a bad way to start out the semseter!

I'm trying hard not to play "Last week at this time I was . . . " game because it just depresses me. I had so much fun over break watching movies, sleeping in, watching favorite TV shows, and being snowed in with my family and even though it's not like they're having a bunch of fun without me, it's still not fun to suddenly be back in Provo. The transition was better than I thought it would be and I hung out at Jessie's and Timm's the other night and it was definitely fun to see them after three weeks! (Michelle I need to see you more this semester!! However, with my lack of vehicular transportation, it is somewhat more difficult.) I'm still playing the "What I'm Looking Forward To" game and right now I'm looking forward to: the new episode of "The Office" tonight, my date tomorrow night, the long weekend, the 4-hour season premier of 24 on Sunday and Monday (2 hours on Sunday night and 2 hours on Monday night), maybe going to see The Fray in concert at the end of the month, goofing off with my dorm friends, having weekly movie nights with Katelyn (a good way to get a break from homework), and the "American Idol" auditions. I just re-read that and realized that a good chunk of what I'm looking forward to is TV shows--good grief.

Well, I'm actually in the middle of composing my "100 things about me" post because I thought it was way cool what everyone else was doing, and hopefully I can finish that soon. See I usually work on it at school, but the pictures I want to post are on my computer in my room and I don't think to work on that while I'm working on homework. (Blogging is a good way to pass the time when work is insufferably slow) Hey, I just realized January is almost halfway through--yay!!!

1 comment:

michelle said...

I hope you are enjoying French 202. I myself thought Marc was a pretty good teacher! :)

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