
end of november and an excellent tuesday

So I tried posting before I left for Thanksgiving, but blogger wouldn't let me post pictures and so I gave up on that front. Anyway, I'm back to reality now and Thanksgiving was most excellent. I flew back to Denver early November 17 (a Saturday) and early means at 6:45 in the morning--good grief. It was totally worth it though because I was home by 9:30 a.m. and could spend the entire day with my family. My aunt Susan and uncle Fred came in that same night, my uncle Lee and cousin Ross stayed with us for a couple nights on their way home from a hunting trip, and then Tuesday night Michelle and her whole family came in to enjoy the Thanksgiving festivities with us, so it was a great visit home! I wasn't quite ready to come back, but at least I get to go back home again in a few weeks for Christmas!! (and let me tell you I am SO ready for this semester to be over).

Last Sunday was a bummer of a day for the most part because once again I had a really early flight and so Katelyn and I basically bummed around all day sad because break was over and we didn't want to go back to school. One of the good parts was that we did take 3 hours naps in the middle of the day (we went to an early sacrament meeting so we could crash all day because we were both so tired from traveling and sleep deprivation). I forgot my Bear at home so I couldn't wallow with him Sunday (fortunately though Michelle brought him home with her and I picked him up this afternoon--it's lame but I just love my Bear). The best parts of the day though were seeing Stacy and Julie (my other two roommates) and Trevor (the note ask-outer) invited my entire apartment over for dinner and so that gave us all a good chance to be distracted from the fact that we weren't on break anymore and that we had to go back to school. So that was Sunday.

School and work were okay yesterday--not great, but what can you expect after coming off a Thanksgiving break high? Today was definitely better--I only have one class on Tuesdays and so I spent my afternoon doing homework, running a couple errands with Katelyn (which included going to pick up Bear :) ), helping Katelyn bake cookies, and watching TV shows online. It was really relaxing, semi-productive (it could have been more so, but whatever), and a better ease into real life.

Oh and when Katelyn and I got back to our apartment Sunday morning, we realized the heat wasn't working so we were freezing. What a stellar welcome home right?? I called the landlord the other night and fortunately it is now functioning and we won't freeze all winter.

I'm still counting the days down to Christmas break because I so do not want to be back at school and work, but oh well--what can you do?? I'll edit this post with some pictures later tonight (I'm currently at work), but if you want real photographic documentation, look at Michelle's blog! She has a slew of Thanksgiving posts!


Melissa Marilyn said...

Thanks and isn't Michelle's blog incredible? Wow! It was great to see you. Good luck with the end of the semester. Love you!

Diana said...

Your trip at home sounded so wonderful.
No heat, that's crazy!
Welcome back to real life. I hope we can get together before Christmas :)

michelle said...

No heat? Yikes! Glad you got that taken care of! I'm glad you were invited to dinner and have been able to ease back into school life. Those transitions can be so hard.

Anonymous said...

I loved reading Michelle's blog! I will have to re-read it when I start to feel blue. Love and miss you!

jt said...

umm.. start to feel blue? That's what happens when I READ Shell's blog! Just kidding. Maybe.
I wish I had plans to see you soon :( and kudos to blogging while at work!
miss you...

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