
legitimate, sort of

At the behest of my darling sister-in-law, I present you documentation of the first official Wilson family climbing night. If we're going to climb with Nicole and Josh Snow, a.k.a. climbers extraordinaire, we needed to establish some semblance of climbing regularity and legitimately.

The rock gym where I've been a few times with Karen was having a screaming deal on rock-climbing passes, and Josh and I decided to commit and buy some. Our commitment furthered when we invested in legitimate climbing gear (and seriously, it's an investment). We bought shoes for Josh (Karen let me have her too-small-for-her pair) and harnesses.

So Thursday night after dinner at Jimmy John's we Wilsons, along with our friend Ian, headed over to Club Sport where we tested out our new gear and made our first steps toward becoming rock climbers. (Yeah, you heard me right--I'm calling myself a rock climber.) I'm even belay-certified now. I know.

The boys loved being photographed for the blog. Obviously.

This time rock climbing I worked more on my pivots and leg work. (Take it from a seasoned climbing novice--get that, a seasoned novice?--the work should come from the legs and hips.) We climbed for two and a half hours and were completely beat by the end of it. We have plans for many more climbing excursions, and I'm looking forward to getting better and more confident in my ability.

 And really, how could I turn down a sport in which you wear stretchy pants?


Jill said...

Wow, this so doesn't fit with the image I have of you! Way to do cool things!

Jessica said...

Sounds like fun! Maybe we should try it sometime!

sassley said...

Wow! 2 1/2 hours - that IS a long time to rock climb. Good job!

sassley said...

P.S. That was actually from Wayne...

Pam Chris Heiny said...

Soo proud of this accomplishment. I knew you had it in you. :)

A Mitton said...

I went rock climbing a couple times growing up. It can be super fun.

And I'm SO glad you love Psych. But also so not surprised.

Denise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah W. said...

Wow, is this the Charlotte I know? My sister? I really can't imagine you as a rock climber. At least you are turning out like Dad and I.

The comment that had been deleted was me. I was using Mom's account by mistake.

e.wilson said...

you go girl! you guys are lookin FIIIIIIIIIINE. love you lots.

Denise said...

Hey wait a minute, Sarah--does that mean that turning out like me would be bad?!

Though the stretchy pants are in fact a plus, the Spiderman-like shoes are somewhat of a drawback for me. I am happy, however, to see Josh wearing his Batman shirt--in public, no less. And I'm quite impressed by your latent athletic inclinations. I guess there are times when peer pressure is a good thing!

Lindasj said...

I am glad there are pictures. It is hard to believe that a Wood is doing outdoor type things.

michelle said...

I agree that photo documentation is a must here. I might not have believed it otherwise. I'm so impressed!

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