
why I didn't go to church

I have the mother of all colds. This cold has lasted four weeks, people. That's a whole month.

I've spent my entire day either on the couch or in my bed watching episodes of Gilmore Girls, Parks and Recreation, White Collar, and Downton Abbey while alternating among knitting, resting, and blowing my nose over and over. This setup really isn't so bad except that I feel awful.

I couldn't even enjoy my chicken noodle soup for lunch because I can't taste a single thing. Even Eggo waffles.

Here's to a more taste-filled and less phlegm-congested day tomorrow. And let's keep the TV and knitting, please.


michelle said...

I would say that a cold that has lasted 4 weeks is no longer a cold! Have you seen a doctor?

Eva won't eat Eggo waffles when she has a cold, she says they taste awful.

Jill said...

I rewatched all the seasons of Parks & Recreation over the Christmas Break (on Netflix while doing other things in my office) and loved them even more than I did before!

I'm so sorry you're so sick, what is going on?!

Laura said...

I have a nasty cold right now too. As I've been typing this, I've sneezed twice. Yes, twice. Now my nose is begging to be blown. I feel that colds are the most pathetic malady. They drag on forever, give you an irritated nose, and make you feel gross. And they aren't even exotic. Lame. I hope you feel better soon.

Julie said...

I had a cold that lasted two months once...it's awful! I hope you feel better soon :)

Jessica said...

Yes, get better soon!

A Mitton said...

I was like that last week.

Also, I'm sending you an email. Something to read while you're sick.

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