
a first

As I've grown older, I've been more amenable to trying new things (e.g. racquetball, and please exclude "new foods" from this whole new things idea ;) ). So, last week some new boys in the ward were going around introducing themselves, and they talked with Katelyn and me for a bit. A few days ago, one of them (Paul) called me and invited me to the opera. I've never been to the opera before and I was impressed! We went up to Salt Lake to see Don Giovanni with Paul's roommate and his roommate's date. The opera was an intriguing mix of hilarity, scandal, and moralizing; the music was amazing, the costumes were great, the ending was just cool. A downside though was that the opera started at 7:30 and the final curtain call wasn't until 10:45...why a thirty-minute intermission?? Over three hours is just a little long. Overall though, I had a pretty fun time! I felt a little weird going on a date with someone other than Josh (Josh went home to Oregon for the summer :( ), but it was fun just to have an excuse to get dressed up and look pretty :) I would definitely be okay with seeing another opera sometime, and now I can cross "seeing an opera" off my list of things I've never done!


brooketolman said...

look at your. your a hot commodity in Utah, you'll be married by the time i get back in August!

Denise said...

Still working on the whole "new foods" idea. Maybe someday.

michelle said...

Sounds fun! I got to see an opera in Paris the first time we lived there, and it was a dream come true!

April said...

Ahhh, Opera! I love opera. It became my secret musical love in college. I really don't think that anyone can really jugde opera properly, until you go to one. And usually people come away liking it more than they thought!

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