

I hate it when people don't bring their books to class, and then you, who lugged your required texts down to the basement of the JFSB, have to share with the people who didn't bring anything. One of the whole reasons I bring my textbooks to class is so I won't have to share with anyone else. It's awkward having to tilt the book just right and make sure that the slacker over there can read. Why can't students just bring the books they're supposed to bring? I just don't understand. I bring my Chicago Manual of Style every day to class--why can't you?


michelle said...

Hee! I love this post. And the picture is a little bit of heaven.

Denise said...

Too funny--I can just hear you ranting. I have to agree about sharing the book, though. I get a crick in my neck from doing so, and then most often that turns into a headache. So I'm with you, "Bring your own books!"

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