
let's leave work at work, okay?

I was grocery shopping in Target this evening and almost asked a fellow shopper if I could help her find anything, as if I actually worked at Target instead of Deseret Book.

True story.


emily said...

Hahaha. Too funny. Did you recommend the new Eclipse album to them?

Leilani said...

Haha! I have almost done that before too... Bed, Bath & Beyond is so customer service oriented that I feel like I should be greeting people all of the time.

michelle said...


A Mitton said...

Oh yeah.

I worked for Independent Study way too long. That became apparent when I started answering other phones, "BYU Independent Study, this i... oh wait..."

Jill said...

That's so funny!

I find myself pressing on my right here when I want to call someone because I do that to my headset to answer the phone all day at work. I feel like I should be able to get anyone on the phone anytime by pressing my ear!

Jill said...

P.S. Why is everything so expensive at Deseret Book? We're reading The Infinite Atonement for book club in December and I feel sick about having to pay $21 for it!

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