
it's OK to lose sometimes

Growing up I cared greatly about what other people thought. From fifth grade to tenth grade I floated from group to group not ever really fitting in with anyone. I found a solid group of friends in the middle of my sophomore year in high school, and then we graduated and I moved away for college. I was so socially timid that I didn't make friends until a girl on my floor--who is still one of my all-time best-ever friends--invited me to watch the boys' dorm football game. Over the years I've repeatedly overcome this fear of vulnerability and have become far more comfortable in my own skin. I'm not nearly as hesitant to put myself out there and risk my pride. And then I entered the Albion contest and told the internet about it.

{Wearing my jacket while running errands today}

Now anyone could see what I made and judge it. I knew the fabric wouldn't be everyone's choice, that the orange accents might make some people cringe. But I loved it. And I told all of you about it. The jacket is certainly not perfectly constructed. I can see a million little places that could have used more attention or even a do-over. But I took pictures and posted them and even entered a contest where so many strangers could see my jacket and comment on it. And I'm so glad I did this.

When I learned who the winners were for the Albion contest, I was disappointed. Very disappointed. My eyes may have even smarted a little. Part of me was afraid that when I let my circles of friends and supporters know about the results, that I'd let them down. Everyone was so excited for me! And it felt so great to have so many cheerleaders in my corner! And what would it feel like to disappoint them? But then I realized something really important: you wonderful people didn't support me because you were counting on me to bring home a $2500 sewing machine--you all supported me because you're my friends. And that's just what friends do.

So when I lost the contest, that's all it was: losing a contest. I love everything about my jacket. It's not perfect, but I love it. And that's what matters. The outcome says nothing about my value as a person or even my value as a seamstress. I am so glad I entered and that I told you about it, because all the fallout was good fallout. I didn't win the competition, and that's okay. Because the good things in my life have nothing to do with competition.


luckygirl said...

Thanks for the honest comments and sharing your perspective. Sounds like you won regardless, and you know that :-)

Darling jacket 👏
New sewing skills 👏
Wiser and more confident👍

My favorite way to buy a bernina is on craigslist. You can find a models that's hardly used, at a fraction of the price of a new one. Leaving funds for even more fun fabric or classes, or books

Charity said...

Hey Lady! Just wanted to write a note about competition. In entertainment/opera singing, that is ALL it is. It's almost never about who is best. Really, almost never. Once you get to a certain level, pretty much everyone is good. It's just about who has a better day/who has a judge that knows them/who rubs the panel the right way that day/go on and on. Sometimes, the competition is so stifling that it almost overwhelms me. You just have to remember none of your friends live you less because you don't win something. They identify with you more. Seriously. Everyone has lost and will lose again. If they haven't, they probably don't have nay friends. Only kindof joking... ;) xoxo

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