
my apologies

Dear readers, I apologize for my seemingly long (to me) absence from the blogosphere. I've been in a serious funk. I've felt averse to blogging and reading blogs. Weird, no? Today I had almost fifty unread posts in my GoogleReader. I've whittled it down to ten. And if I haven't commented on your blog posts yet, I'll try to. This past week has just been weird. Really weird. And, at times, not too much fun. I'm working on it, though. I'm working on refocusing my priorities and such. Don't get me wrong, I've had good moments and almost completely good days, but I've been having to work harder at it than usual.

I've been thinking of this line from a Hilary Weeks song: "Well, I should not have found it strange that growing causes growing pains, 'cause the more we learn the more we know we don't know anything." That's me right now: growing up and sometimes having a hard time with it. I'm a college senior and am realizing more and more that I don't know as much as I thought.


Susan said...

Oh dee. I hate that kind of funk!

On the bright side , I went upstairs to the sweatshop of a guestroom and went through my closet for more castoffs...I swear, some of them you and the girls will have a good laugh at! I'll let you do the editing. I'm sending them so that you'll get them before leaving for school. Save a good night for some good laughs. There are a few good things....

You're not toooooo weird. tee hee

Jill said...

I hate feeling like I don't know as much as I thought I did, but it seems to happen often, and I've been out of college for a long time!

Daniel said...

I know *exactly* how you feel.

Oh, and assignment complete. Rocket Boys: read.

michelle said...

I think that feeling like you don't know as much as you thought you did is a true sign of maturity. I remember so distinctly the first time I thought that, it came as a real surprise!

Pam Chris Heiny said...

Glad that you had some good moments along the way. Remember there's always a silver lining! :)

Claire said...

Lol I do that a lot. And usually after I've gotten over my initial embarrasment I find myself chuckling.

Diana said...

I've felt adverse to blogging practically all summer! I am trying to get back into, I do enjoy it.

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