
Mount St. Helens, or what happens when you marry into an adventurous family

{Low-level recreator: one who is content to vacation at home, preferably while drinking Diet Pepsi and eating peanut-butter M&Ms}

When you consider yourself a low-level recreator, you may not consider yourself particularly adventurous. So when you end up marrying into a family of mid-level recreators, you sometimes do adventurous things you probably wouldn't do if it was up to you.

You may drive up to Mount St. Helens with the in-laws (which adds one more state to your Have-Been List, a list that has, up to this point, been remarkably small, a result of your low-level recreator status).

And you do things that you know you're comfortable with, like picnicking and checking out the visitors' center. You even get to watch a movie about the Mt. St. Helens explosion—it's pretty cool.

Then the adventure steps up a notch when you start hiking. Remember, your last major hiking experience was not great.

You're still feeling pretty good about this adventure, because the trail is wide and you see lots of pretty wildflowers. Your husband may love the wildflowers and insist that you take pictures of



new flower

 you see.

Even the ones that are kind of ugly.

Then the trail starts to narrow, and you find yourself on a ridge with a steep rock wall on one side and a sloping cliff plummeting a thousand feet on the other.

Don't forget that there are hikers going both ways on the trail.

One time your foot slips, and you're nothing short of terrified. And your husband almost has a heart attack, ready to dive down after you to catch you with his walking stick.

After a quarter mile of this craziness, you reach a resting point. And the view is pretty great.

So you make sure that you document your adventurous family with the pretty scenery.

Don't forget the boys. They were happy to make it too.

Then you head back, hoping that your feet stay steady.

They do, and you proceed to offer silent prayers of unending gratitude.

You make it back to the car and wind up zoning out on the drive back, because you see, you had a pretty adventurous day.

And even though you're not naturally adventurous, it's good for you to step outside your comfort zone like this.

Because really, you had lots of fun, and you realize that your husband's adventurous family is the perfect complement to your low-level recreator-ness. 

And you end up really liking that.


Shilah said...

I pretended this was a "if you give a mouse a cookie" book =] Have you read those? They're bomb.

That's my state! I've never been to Mt. st. helens though. Probably for the same reasons you hadn't: peanut-butter M&Ms. You can blame them for just about anything.

Wild flowers:
1. Yarrow
2. Wild lupine
3. I have no idea, but those are pretty!
4. Wild strawberries
5. I don't remember what they're called but, unless it's a different plant that looks very similar to what I'm thinking of, the leaves are eatable. And sour. My siblings and I used to make outdoor salads. Yarrow was in them. They have purple roots that turn your mouth numb briefly. Next time you see Yarrow pull one up and try to find the purple root, it's way too entertaining.

emilymcb said...

I liked this post!

michelle said...

Good for you! I would definitely not be okay with that narrow path with the drop-off. I'm impressed.

michelle said...

p.s. Marc says that they had volcanic ash everywhere in Eugene when Mt. St. Helen's erupted!

Jill said...

I always like it when a mid-level recreator gets me to do something. I think I'd like to be a mid-level recreator, but just don't know how to be! Good for you!

Denise said...

I wish I were a mid-level recreator, as well. Recently I bought new Adidas workout (a.k.a. lounge) capris and an Under Armor tee shirt. I just feel like a poser. You (and Pam H.) would laugh to see me in the tee-shirt, which boldly declares "RUN" on the front. Poser. Obviously.

I'm a little scared by the shear drop-off in your photo, but the view at the top--amazing! (Do you think if I really were a mid-level recreator I would as cute as Karen does in her stretchy pants?)

A Mitton said...

Love the story feel. Very fun.

Also, I really like Mount St. Helens. Have you been to Mt. Hood and Hood River yet? Gorgeous out there too.

Justin and Ashley said...

I too, am I low level recreator. And my husband's family seems to be a lot like your husbands. I have to admit it can be really rough for me at times.

Claire said...

I am glad you did not plummet towards injury and possibly hospitalization. I am also glad that you enjoyed stepping up your level of recreating a little. It's fun and it helps one to appreciate low-level recreating.

jt said...

All hail the low-level recreators! And why does spell check never want 'recreators' to be a word. Pulease.
Isn't it great when your husband (or his family) is a perfect complement to you and yours? Love it.

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