
welcome, April

I have been so ready for March to end, and not because it's been awful, but because it's been so busy, and frankly, I need a break. I need some regular, normal life.

We moved a week ago, and I got most of the big unpacking finished, but I still have all that little unpacking to do—you know, the boxes and bags full of stuff that never really had a home to begin with. And then last week most of my time on and off the clock at work was spent preparing for the store's Ladies' Night (the evening on conference Saturday when all the men are at one more meeting).

Over the past couple of weeks I've learned a few things:

:: Moving + pregnancy makes for an extra-sensitive Charlotte
:: Josh has great potential for Sneelock-hood (evidenced by his willingness to help me make cake balls at midnight on Friday)
:: Cake balls are not worth the effort
:: I just might be handy—I fixed a drawer in our dresser and completely assembled a bookcase.
:: I'm not great at email/texting correspondence when moving—my apologies to those who sent me emails that needed a timely response and didn't get it
:: We would do well to slow down a little, proceed at the optimum speed for our circumstances, focus on the significant, lift up our eyes, and truly see the things that matter most.Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Now that April is here, I'm hoping that life settles down a bit before summer hits with its crazy mix of travel, wedding, and baby!


Diana said...

we have been remodeling our home for the last six months, lou is doing all the work to save money and so its done how he wants, I am really excited for the end results but it is so hard its like always being in a state of moving!
I am sorry you have to deal with moving when pregnant :(

A Mitton said...

Haha, I think I'm included in that emailing list. No worries, really. I completely understand being busy. I'm a bad responder too.

Ande said...

A) That is a Sneelock indeed, a husband who will help make cake balls!
B) I also learned cake balls are not worth the effort. What's wrong with just good old fashioned cake people?! Why do we have to go around putting it in bite sized balls with faces?!
C) Maybe I'm bitter because the cake balls I made for Joe's birthday last year literally looked like dog poop and no one touched them. Not one.
D)Congrats on moving! That is a giant accomplishment.
E) So is growing a human.

michelle said...

I love Ande's comment.

I have never made cake balls, so I'm glad to know that it's not worth it. I am a big fan of regular cake anyway.

Great potential for Sneelock-hood is about the best thing a husband can exhibit.

You have my full empathy about the move during pregnancy. The worst.

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