Month five, where do I even begin? Month five involved everything from rolling to solids to sleeping to reaching to standing to bathing.
:: You read right. Rolling. It happened.
:: He was so startled by what had just happened and mine and Josh's glee that he burst into tears.
:: He repeats the rolling when he feels like it.
:: He doesn't feel like it very often.
:: But it still happens.
:: He likes to sit.
:: But even more he likes us to help him stand.
:: When he stands he wobbles and wiggles those legs until he falls down.
:: And then we pull him back up and it starts all over again.
:: Solids were actually a huge hit.
:: I have pictures.
:: But we started solids right around when his sleeping took a nose dive.
:: So we abandoned rice cereal to focus on the sleeping.
:: Unfortunately, cereal did not seem to have an effect on his sleeping.
:: Asher can recognize his name.
:: And he gets lonely sometimes.
:: Sometimes he'll smile when he sees the camera.
:: And he sticks that tongue out like it's show-and-tell all day every day.
:: He's discovered new sounds, like the cranky croak.
:: He also quite enjoys gurgle conversations.
:: When you join in those conversations with him (with reciprocal gurgling, of course), he lights up.
:: That mop of fuzzy hair is just wonderful.
:: Some hairs that have been there a while are really long and stick straight up.
:: Then he has this new crop of fuzz that's been coming in.
:: Those hairs stick straight up too.
:: His mullet might have to go.
:: Soon.
:: Toes are a new favorite body part.
:: He can even fit them in his mouth.
:: Bath time is the best time.
:: Obviously.
:: He can splash and wiggle.
:: So we have to be extra vigilant in case he tries to wiggle out of his bath seat.
:: Sometimes Asher will flash a secret smile.
:: It's that smile that says, "Mom, Dad, this is just for you, because we're buds. And I know it."
:: I am constantly amazed at how this baby boy interacts with his world--he's learning and growing and moving and loving.
:: I couldn't imagine a better place to be.