
the plan

With the new wedding date, here's my new plan.

I just moved all my stuff to Oregon.

Then Dad and I drove to Colorado.

Now I'm home for a couple of weeks.

Then I'm going back to Oregon to live there until the wedding. You know what that means? I'll get to see Josh every day. I pretty much love it that this long-distance engagement is coming to a close and that Josh and I will be able to be like a normal engaged couple for a little while.

PS--Where did all the commenters go??


Miranda said...

Nate and I were apart for almost the entire two years we dated. I swear to you I still get so excited over the fact that I now see him every day and live in the same house!

paws said...

I think they were all so shocked that you moved your date that they didn't know what to say.

Yeah for living in the same state as Josh!

Jill said...

This sounds like a good plan, I'm glad you get to have a few weeks at home.

michelle said...

I'm glad you get to go home for awhile.

After Marc and I got married, it took me the longest time to get used to the fact that neither of us had to go home at night. So cool to just be together all the time.

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