
having someone else toot my horn

Since the close of my internship I've had several articles published in the New Era. I think it's pretty awesome, but in the interest of modesty, I don't go around church and work announcing each article's publication.

But Josh does.

Yesterday, for instance, he spoke in church, and kicked off his talk with a quote from my most recent article (in February's issue), qualifying it with "Yeah, my wife wrote this article." Sometimes his incorporation of the articles into talks and lessons is a bit of a stretch, but I find this wonderfully endearing.

I sometimes feel uncomfortable tooting my own horn, but I kind of love it that Josh will toot it for me.

Check out my most recent article. (It's February's cover story, by the way. Toot.)


emilymcb said...

you are so cool!

Joanna Galbraith said...

how neat, charlotte!!!! josh sounds like such a great husband. your article was wonderful. you are a great writer.

Jill said...

That's mighty sweet of him to toot it for you!

jt said...

Your last sentence cracked me up. I told Linda about your articles and to pass along her New Eras when she was done with them, but I didn't know they had already been published! That's so exciting. I'll toot for you any day. Sometimes husbands are the only ones you can brag to as well.

michelle said...

I totally know what you mean. Sometimes you do need someone else to toot your horn! Go, Josh!

Can't wait for the February issue to arrive...

Denise said...

My issue just arrived in today's mail! I've already started tooting for you here--but you know how every mother crow thinks her baby's blackest :).

I love it that Josh is a tooting fan.

Anonymous said...

I toot your horn as much as I can. I even show your articles to co-workers. :)

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