I can breathe normally now.
I left my book on the bus. And I'm loving my book--I mean, really loving it. It's making its way into my top-10.
And it's on the bus. My heart hurts.
(PS--It'll probably be in the lost-and-found, so I can pick it up tomorrow evening, but that's two whole bus rides worth of reading that I'm losing.)
And it's on the bus. My heart hurts.
(PS--It'll probably be in the lost-and-found, so I can pick it up tomorrow evening, but that's two whole bus rides worth of reading that I'm losing.)
gratitude list
:: Donut Gems in the vending machines downstairs
:: The Fountainhead
:: home videos tranferred to DVDs and online viewing
:: wedding flowers a la Susan
:: 53 days until the wedding
:: HP
:: "Alias" on DVD
:: air conditioning
:: a sister-in-law who cuts and colors my hair just right
:: Diet Delight (a pudding/Cool Whip combo with mini-chocolate chips that Mom invented)
and most of all
:: Josh's flight to Utah on Friday, signaling the end of the longest five weeks ever
:: The Fountainhead
:: home videos tranferred to DVDs and online viewing
:: wedding flowers a la Susan
:: 53 days until the wedding
:: HP
:: "Alias" on DVD
:: air conditioning
:: a sister-in-law who cuts and colors my hair just right
:: Diet Delight (a pudding/Cool Whip combo with mini-chocolate chips that Mom invented)
and most of all
:: Josh's flight to Utah on Friday, signaling the end of the longest five weeks ever
slim chances
What do you think my odds are of convincing Josh to let this be our first-dance song?
Yeah, like infinity to zero. I figured.
Yeah, like infinity to zero. I figured.
33 days
I've been at the New Era for seven full weeks now. Everyday I have to wear a skirt or dress. I'm glad that I love skirts and dressing up, because that makes the dress code here not bad at all (though on the days I feel like roadkill, pulling on a skirt makes me feel like a poser). I'm also glad that my love of pretty skirts and dresses has resulted in a vast skirt/dress wardrobe.
Case in point:
I have over 40 dresses and skirts.
That means that I went for 33 work days without repeating an outfit.
Case in point:
I have over 40 dresses and skirts.
That means that I went for 33 work days without repeating an outfit.
father's day 2010
I've been thinking a lot about what I want to say about my dad today. He's a wonderful man, a good man. He's a teacher. All throughout my life, he's taught me of God, of prayer, of hard work, of faith, of the Atonement, and of love (not to mention the pop quizzes in the car on classic blues and rock). Most importantly, however, he's taught me who I am and what I can be.
Something that I've most appreciated throughout my life and especially in the past year is the confidence my father has is me. He trusts me and my abilities and expects me to do the same. He encourages me to overcome my shortcomings and fulfill my potential. He sees my potential often more clearly than I can. He trusts me and my judgment, and I wish I could adequately express how much that confidence strengthens, supports, and builds me. My dad's love for me empowers me and exemplifies the love my Heavenly Father and His Son have for me. Because my earthly father loves me as he does, I know my Heavenly Father loves me. My dad, along with my mom, taught me who I am and to never doubt that.
I'm getting married in two months, and I know that this affects not only myself but also my family. I want my dad to know that because of his goodness I made the decision to marry Josh, that his example showed me what to value and look for in a spouse. In two months I'll be a Wilson, but I can still be a Wood girl, his girl. Forever.
Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you so much.
Something that I've most appreciated throughout my life and especially in the past year is the confidence my father has is me. He trusts me and my abilities and expects me to do the same. He encourages me to overcome my shortcomings and fulfill my potential. He sees my potential often more clearly than I can. He trusts me and my judgment, and I wish I could adequately express how much that confidence strengthens, supports, and builds me. My dad's love for me empowers me and exemplifies the love my Heavenly Father and His Son have for me. Because my earthly father loves me as he does, I know my Heavenly Father loves me. My dad, along with my mom, taught me who I am and to never doubt that.
I'm getting married in two months, and I know that this affects not only myself but also my family. I want my dad to know that because of his goodness I made the decision to marry Josh, that his example showed me what to value and look for in a spouse. In two months I'll be a Wilson, but I can still be a Wood girl, his girl. Forever.
Happy Father's Day, Dad. I love you so much.
A snippet of texting conversation between Emily and me.
Me: How do wizard/witch children learn how to read, write, and add? Harry, growing up as a Muggle, had an advantage that way. Are there primary schools for magic children, or are their parents responsible for all of their non-magic education?
Emily: I've given a lot of thought to that matter. I would expect there to be primary schools with plenty of home instruction thrown in. The Weasleys probably couldn't afford primary school, though, so they likely learned at home.
The conversation didn't end there.
Me: How do wizard/witch children learn how to read, write, and add? Harry, growing up as a Muggle, had an advantage that way. Are there primary schools for magic children, or are their parents responsible for all of their non-magic education?
Emily: I've given a lot of thought to that matter. I would expect there to be primary schools with plenty of home instruction thrown in. The Weasleys probably couldn't afford primary school, though, so they likely learned at home.
The conversation didn't end there.
casual Thursday
I stayed home today because I'm getting a root canal this afternoon, so I brought some projects from the office to work on this morning.
I'm working in jeans. And bare feet. On the floor. In jeans. Doing work for the Church magazines. In jeans. It makes me a little giddy.
I'm working in jeans. And bare feet. On the floor. In jeans. Doing work for the Church magazines. In jeans. It makes me a little giddy.
Operation Superhuman Reader: Route 801, #4
It's been a while since I've posted a review, and I've been trying to read two books at once. (One has been much harder to get through than this one.) But no worries, I'm back on track and plan on reading up a storm! (Josh still has to get Edgar Sawtelle so I'll go for either Ender's Shadow next or quite possibly The Fountainhead.)
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book. I found Calpurnia to be such a spunky and engaging character—I often found myself laughing at loud! I appreciated the complexity of Calpurnia's character and her role in society, and I found I could sympathize with both Calpurnia and her mother in the conflict between science and domesticity.
I loved loved loved the relationship between Calpurnia and her grandfather—so tender.
I liked how the story ended, without concrete resolution but with hope that Calpurnia would figure it out and find a way to be happy. This was a great read.
View all my reviews >>

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this book. I found Calpurnia to be such a spunky and engaging character—I often found myself laughing at loud! I appreciated the complexity of Calpurnia's character and her role in society, and I found I could sympathize with both Calpurnia and her mother in the conflict between science and domesticity.
I loved loved loved the relationship between Calpurnia and her grandfather—so tender.
I liked how the story ended, without concrete resolution but with hope that Calpurnia would figure it out and find a way to be happy. This was a great read.
View all my reviews >>
wedding plans: the cake
Over Memorial Day weekend we had a cake tasting, and while wedding cake often has the stigma of not being very tasty, this cake tasting was full of goodness. Really. Yum. We met the cake lady at a Starbucks and after some chatting about the ideas we have, she gave us a sampler, which is basically a really long piece of cake with each layer a different flavor with a different filling.
After we tasted those flavors at home (so we could make faces at the kalua flavored--coffee--layer), she would make us a sample cake with the flavors and fillings we wanted (with adjustments, if needed, like making the chocolate cake less dark) and she could also try out the cake decoration ideas we had.
So Monday morning, Josh and I drove to pick up this:
And it was delicious. I'm so glad that I'll actually like my wedding cake.
After we tasted those flavors at home (so we could make faces at the kalua flavored--coffee--layer), she would make us a sample cake with the flavors and fillings we wanted (with adjustments, if needed, like making the chocolate cake less dark) and she could also try out the cake decoration ideas we had.
So Monday morning, Josh and I drove to pick up this:
And it was delicious. I'm so glad that I'll actually like my wedding cake.
12 on 12: summer saturday
01. What I snacked on as I got ready for the day.
02. Using my new mascara for the first time.
03. The card for my next fitting appointment. I had my first dress fitting today! All I need is a bustle, so I'm going back in two weeks to try the dress on one more time and to pick up the dress for good. Katelyn came with me, which was lovely, especially given that she's going on a mission super soon and won't be here for the wedding. It was a wonderful afternoon.
04. My wedding shoes. I think the patent leather ruffle says it all.
05. Walking in the rain with my polka-dot umbrella. It makes me happy.
06. Renting Sherlock Holmes from the Redbox. Josh and I tried Skyping while watching the same movie. Laugh if you will, but it works for a interstate movie night. Try it.
07. I went with Diet Dr. Pepper for my Big Gulp today, a deviation from my traditional Diet Pepsi.
08. A complete recipe failure. I found this recipe online for "Emergency Chocolate Cake," where you combine flour, sugar, cocoa, milk, vanilla, and oil into a mug and then microwave it. The picture looked good, but the emergency cake tasted like Play-Doh.
09. Putting a cold pack against my throbbing jaw. I found out this week I need a root canal. Ew.
10. Playing on InDesign all afternoon designing my wedding invitations.
11. Grocery shopping for Sunday dinner.
12. Midnight snack.
02. Using my new mascara for the first time.
03. The card for my next fitting appointment. I had my first dress fitting today! All I need is a bustle, so I'm going back in two weeks to try the dress on one more time and to pick up the dress for good. Katelyn came with me, which was lovely, especially given that she's going on a mission super soon and won't be here for the wedding. It was a wonderful afternoon.
04. My wedding shoes. I think the patent leather ruffle says it all.
05. Walking in the rain with my polka-dot umbrella. It makes me happy.
06. Renting Sherlock Holmes from the Redbox. Josh and I tried Skyping while watching the same movie. Laugh if you will, but it works for a interstate movie night. Try it.
07. I went with Diet Dr. Pepper for my Big Gulp today, a deviation from my traditional Diet Pepsi.
08. A complete recipe failure. I found this recipe online for "Emergency Chocolate Cake," where you combine flour, sugar, cocoa, milk, vanilla, and oil into a mug and then microwave it. The picture looked good, but the emergency cake tasted like Play-Doh.
09. Putting a cold pack against my throbbing jaw. I found out this week I need a root canal. Ew.
10. Playing on InDesign all afternoon designing my wedding invitations.
11. Grocery shopping for Sunday dinner.
12. Midnight snack.
fast learners
I had another interview yesterday and consequently had to use the Church Motor Pool again. This time they gave me a car with a real key.
They learned their lesson, apparently.
They learned their lesson, apparently.
gratitude list
:: Tylenol and Advil
:: orange drink at McDonald's
:: the 801 bus
:: Skype
:: Southwest
:: engagement photos
:: the conference Ensign
:: Dr. Francis, DDS
:: a list of books to read
:: midday phone calls from my fiance
:: orange drink at McDonald's
:: the 801 bus
:: Skype
:: Southwest
:: engagement photos
:: the conference Ensign
:: Dr. Francis, DDS
:: a list of books to read
:: midday phone calls from my fiance
This morning when I was getting dressed, I automatically started to reach for my nylons but then realized that I'm not required to wear nylons to church, only to work. I felt so liberated.
a little too green
I've been able to slip into the groove of things here at Church magazines pretty easy. The employees here treat me like a real writer and editor, and I appreciate that approach. Because I'm treated like not an intern (you know, "Make 10 copies, thanks") I've tried to step up to the plate and act legitimate. When I took the initiative to make a reservation with the Church motor pool and went downstairs to check out the car I needed to get to my interview yesterday afternoon, I was ready to go. I clacked down the parking garage in my black, patent leather heels and checked out the car.
And then I couldn't figure out where it was parked.
So I went back to the worker at the motor pool window and he printed out the sheet that I should have printed out that had my parking space on it. I successfully found the car, put my stuff in the seat next to me, and got ready to go.
And I couldn't figure out how to start the car.
I saw a "power" button where the key usually goes, so I press that, and then I think that the key must go somewhere else in the car, that it's the key–power button combination that makes it work.
I spent 15 minutes—15 minutes—trying to figure out how to turn on that stupid car. (I would say "damned" car, but this is a Church vehicle we're talking about.)
And so I have to go back to the guy at the window and explain how I can't figure out how to start my car. Good grief. Here I was feeling all professional and legitimate and now I feel like I have a giant neon sign sticking out of my head that says "WARNING: INTERN."
It turns out that the car I was assigned was a hybrid car, and because it's so progressive and green, you don't turn a key. The key fob just has to be in the car somewhere. I was right in pressing the power button, but I neglected to press the brake while I did so. So props to the Church for going green on us, but I'm thinking I'm a little too green when it comes to environmentalism.
And then I couldn't figure out where it was parked.
So I went back to the worker at the motor pool window and he printed out the sheet that I should have printed out that had my parking space on it. I successfully found the car, put my stuff in the seat next to me, and got ready to go.
And I couldn't figure out how to start the car.
I saw a "power" button where the key usually goes, so I press that, and then I think that the key must go somewhere else in the car, that it's the key–power button combination that makes it work.
I spent 15 minutes—15 minutes—trying to figure out how to turn on that stupid car. (I would say "damned" car, but this is a Church vehicle we're talking about.)
And so I have to go back to the guy at the window and explain how I can't figure out how to start my car. Good grief. Here I was feeling all professional and legitimate and now I feel like I have a giant neon sign sticking out of my head that says "WARNING: INTERN."
It turns out that the car I was assigned was a hybrid car, and because it's so progressive and green, you don't turn a key. The key fob just has to be in the car somewhere. I was right in pressing the power button, but I neglected to press the brake while I did so. So props to the Church for going green on us, but I'm thinking I'm a little too green when it comes to environmentalism.
on the record
Off the record, part of me was legitimately surprised that Church magazines offered me the New Era internship--the internship (apart from the news position) that involves the most writing. Before now my writing experience was thorough in ten-page research papers, one-page response papers, and quippy blog posts, but my magazine writing portfolio was lacking. I also don't have any professional interviewing experience. Or photography experience. My actual editing portfolio bursts at the seams, but when it comes to professional feature writing (and all skills accompanying professional writing), I don't have much.
On the record, I had my second in-person interview this evening. I met a group of Young Women down in West Jordan and talked to them for about an hour. I drafted up a list of possible questions earlier and referred to it when needed, but most of the time I could just ask questions with the flow of the conversation. When I meet new people, I'm usually more on the reserved side of things, and so having to be friendly and open with strangers while directing a productive and purposed conversation is new to me. I'm having to seriously step out of my comfort zone--which is good for me.
I have an in-person interview (this one by myself) tomorrow afternoon and another group interview next week. Off the record, I'm still a little intimidated by interviews. On the record, I'm a real writer here.
On the record, I had my second in-person interview this evening. I met a group of Young Women down in West Jordan and talked to them for about an hour. I drafted up a list of possible questions earlier and referred to it when needed, but most of the time I could just ask questions with the flow of the conversation. When I meet new people, I'm usually more on the reserved side of things, and so having to be friendly and open with strangers while directing a productive and purposed conversation is new to me. I'm having to seriously step out of my comfort zone--which is good for me.
I have an in-person interview (this one by myself) tomorrow afternoon and another group interview next week. Off the record, I'm still a little intimidated by interviews. On the record, I'm a real writer here.
Memorial Day: the family
I can't tell you how good it felt to be home with my family. I came home and forgot everything else. I slipped back into Wood family life with incredible ease (though sometimes I do forget how to navigate my way through the universal remote). I love it. I love them.
Hugging my mom (even after seeing her just the weekend before when she was out for Sarah's final clogging competition) was incredible. And seeing my Number One for the first time in over a month was a happy, happy reunion. I swear John is taller since I saw him at graduation. Sarah is looking more grown up by the day. And running to Dad when he picked us up at the airport was so, so, so wonderful.
I hated leaving. Emily and I didn't even get to watch MK&A. But I ate pot roast and watched movies downstairs with everyone and almost inhaled homemade cinnamon rolls. If it had to be a short visit, at least it was a thoroughly lovely one. And when I left I tried my best not to think that the next time I'll be home is when I'll come home to get married in two and a half months. (Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to get married, but I wish I could go home more before then.)
I'm working on apparition (you know, like in Harry Potter). Then I could go home on the weekends, no problem.
Hugging my mom (even after seeing her just the weekend before when she was out for Sarah's final clogging competition) was incredible. And seeing my Number One for the first time in over a month was a happy, happy reunion. I swear John is taller since I saw him at graduation. Sarah is looking more grown up by the day. And running to Dad when he picked us up at the airport was so, so, so wonderful.
I hated leaving. Emily and I didn't even get to watch MK&A. But I ate pot roast and watched movies downstairs with everyone and almost inhaled homemade cinnamon rolls. If it had to be a short visit, at least it was a thoroughly lovely one. And when I left I tried my best not to think that the next time I'll be home is when I'll come home to get married in two and a half months. (Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to get married, but I wish I could go home more before then.)
I'm working on apparition (you know, like in Harry Potter). Then I could go home on the weekends, no problem.
Memorial Day: the shower
Friday night close family friends threw a bridal shower for me, and while I don't usually feel comfortable being the designated center-of-attention, it was lots of fun celebrating with so many friends. We ate delicious food, played a game, and laughed a lot.
The shower game was thankfully non-embarrassing and had us all laughing. Karen had contacted Josh earlier in the week and sent him some questions to answer, and then at the shower I had to guess his answers to get prizes. Normally this game could be a piece of cake, but Josh's off-the-wall answers had us all in fits of laughter and I found I couldn't guess many questions that should have been easy. (Case-in-point: What is Josh's favorite holiday? His answer: Arbor Day. Good grief. Second case-in-point: Chocolate or vanilla? His answer: Is this a race-based question? Charlotte-vanilla.)
I received many generous shower gifts and had fun picturing my near-future household with all my cute, new homekeeping things. When you realize how excited you are to receive several sets of aqua towels, you know you're hopeless for domesticity.
Thank you, Linda, Lynda, and Karen for such a fun and classy party! It made me just more excited to get married!
The shower game was thankfully non-embarrassing and had us all laughing. Karen had contacted Josh earlier in the week and sent him some questions to answer, and then at the shower I had to guess his answers to get prizes. Normally this game could be a piece of cake, but Josh's off-the-wall answers had us all in fits of laughter and I found I couldn't guess many questions that should have been easy. (Case-in-point: What is Josh's favorite holiday? His answer: Arbor Day. Good grief. Second case-in-point: Chocolate or vanilla? His answer: Is this a race-based question? Charlotte-vanilla.)
I received many generous shower gifts and had fun picturing my near-future household with all my cute, new homekeeping things. When you realize how excited you are to receive several sets of aqua towels, you know you're hopeless for domesticity.
Thank you, Linda, Lynda, and Karen for such a fun and classy party! It made me just more excited to get married!
Memorial Day: the airport
My plane landed about 10 minutes ahead of schedule, and naturally, I was thrilled. But then another plane was in our gate, so for the next 30 minutes we sat on the tarmac while I compulsively checked the time, way more than eager to deplane and see Josh.
When I finally stepped out of the gate, my eyes swept the crowd and as I turned the corner to the rest of the terminal, there he was, calling my name. It was wonderful. Even if there had been a soundtrack, I wouldn't have remembered it. I don't know if I let go of his hand for more than two minutes the rest of the night.
When I finally stepped out of the gate, my eyes swept the crowd and as I turned the corner to the rest of the terminal, there he was, calling my name. It was wonderful. Even if there had been a soundtrack, I wouldn't have remembered it. I don't know if I let go of his hand for more than two minutes the rest of the night.
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