
Operation Superhuman Reader: Improved McCarthy

No Country for Old Men No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was much more accessible than Blood Meridian, meaning I could actually follow the plot. Ha. In addition to being able to follow the story, I enjoyed it. The plot in many aspects is a thriller, but the main character, Bell, is deep and his introspection introduces deep themes that make you think. No surprise, McCarthy does throw in some violence, so consider that when deciding to read this book. Honestly, my opinion of McCarthy was wavering with Blood Meridian, but it was recovered with this easier-to-read yet no-less-McCarthy-esque novel.

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The Road The Road by Cormac McCarthy

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
If my McCarthy opinion was shaky before, The Road solidified my respect for the author. I don't want to sound cliche in my review, but this really was an excellent novel. The plot isn't action-driven but is rather propelled by the relationship and dialogue between the man and the boy. The relationship created between the man and the boy is simple and profound, and the love McCarthy develops is palpable. While the book is a quick read, it's meaningful and poignant. Yes, this was on Oprah's book list, but that should in no way deter you! The Road makes it onto my favorites list and is one book I will be sure to reread.

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Ande said...

I decided if we are going to be friends on goodreads then I should maybe comment on your blog so I didn't feel so creepy following you :). I'm excited to read The Road in a few weeks for class! Thanks for making me more excited!

Shiny said...

Thanks for the review! I feel more confident in reading The Road now:)

michelle said...

This is good news. If I decide to read McCarthy again, I will go with these two!

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